Mitt Romney, former presidential candidate and Massachusetts governor, announced today his list of endorsements of Oklahoma candidates, including Mary Fallin for Oklahoma governor.
Romney's political committee, Free and Strong America, announced the news today in a press release.
Click here to read the Free and Strong America press release.
August 27, 2010
August 25, 2010
Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour Campaigns with Mary Fallin

Barbour, who is leading the Republican effort to win 37 governorships this year said, “We consider one of our best opportunities [for a GOP win] to be here in Oklahoma, because we have such a great candidate. … Mary has a great record of achievement and has proven she’s willing to be clear about where she stands on issues and to stand up for Oklahoma.” He listed Obamacare and the so-called “Cap and Trade” energy tax, both of which Fallin has vocally opposed and actively campaigned against, as examples of her willingness to stand up to Washington.
Barbour said that Republican candidates for governor like Mary Fallin would address state budget problems by “controlling spending and growing the economy … rather than looking for a handout from Washington.”
Fallin thanked Barbour for his visit to Tulsa and called him “one of the brightest minds in the Republican Party.”
August 20, 2010
Mary Fallin and Jari Askins Agree to Oklahoma Gubernatorial Debates
The campaigns for Republican gubernatorial nominee Mary Fallin and Democratic gubernatorial nominee Jari Askins are jointly announcing they have agreed to two presidential-style campaign debates.
The first debate will be sponsored and hosted by the University of Central Oklahoma on October 18, 2010. The Tulsa Metro Chamber will sponsor the second debate on October 28, 2010 on the campus of Oklahoma State University-Tulsa. Both debates will begin at 7:00 p.m. and last for one hour.
The debates will be open to every media outlet in the state, and they will be the only two debates between the candidates for governor.
Details on the format and production of each debate will be announced at a later time and are to be determined by the debate sponsors.
Chickasha Express-Star: Economy foremost on Fallin's mind
Congresswoman Mary Fallin said when she's asked why she would want to leave Washington and run for the Oklahoma governor's office, her response is, "Why wouldn't I?"
"I believe it's our nation's governors that will get us back on track," she said, during a recent campaign stop in Chickasha. And, getting not just the nation back on track but Oklahoma's economy and general well-being is foremost on the gubernatorial candidate's mind.

Fallin cited examples of governors making a difference in their state like Jan Brewer in Arizona and former governor of Florida Jeb Bush.
Brewer has taken a stand against illegal immigration and Bush took the lead in transforming the educational system in Florida.
"It's been the governors that have been stepping up," Fallin said. "I want to stand up for my state. I want to be the ambassador and send a signal across the nation that Oklahoma is ready and open for business."
Click here to read the rest of the story from the Chickasha Express-Star.
"I believe it's our nation's governors that will get us back on track," she said, during a recent campaign stop in Chickasha. And, getting not just the nation back on track but Oklahoma's economy and general well-being is foremost on the gubernatorial candidate's mind.

Fallin cited examples of governors making a difference in their state like Jan Brewer in Arizona and former governor of Florida Jeb Bush.
Brewer has taken a stand against illegal immigration and Bush took the lead in transforming the educational system in Florida.
"It's been the governors that have been stepping up," Fallin said. "I want to stand up for my state. I want to be the ambassador and send a signal across the nation that Oklahoma is ready and open for business."
Click here to read the rest of the story from the Chickasha Express-Star.
August 17, 2010
Political Realities blog: "Interview with Mary Fallin"
Recently, Mary conducted a Q&A with the Oklahoma-based blog, Political Realities. Below is an excerpt from the interview:
Click here to read the rest of the article.
2. Given that the current administration in Washington seems reluctant to enforce immigration laws, how do you feel is the best way for Oklahoma officials to work to reduce illegal immigration in our state?
The best way to combat illegal immigration is to give law enforcement agents the ability to enforce the laws we already have on the books. Arizona has done that and, when I am governor, Oklahoma will too.
We also need to give employers an effective, reliable way of checking the legal immigration status of their employees. Most employers want to hire legal immigrants, but I will absolutely have zero tolerance for those that knowingly break the law.
3. What do you feel are the two biggest differences between you and your opponent, Jari Askins?
I think the biggest difference is that I did not vote for President Obama. Like a majority of Oklahomans in all 77 counties, I believe the president has an ideology that runs contrary to the way most people here see and understand the world. I think voters want a governor who sees the world like they do and who will stand up to Washington. I am ready to be that governor.
Second, I am a leader who is unafraid to take stands on big issues. For instance, whether you agree with me or disagree with me on Barack Obama’s health care bill, I have made it clear that I am opposed to it and I plan to challenge the constitutionality of the law. My opponent, on the other hand, says she is still reading the bill and is undecided. As another example, I made my opposition to the recent state bailout bill well known. My opponent has not offered a position either way.
A lot of times I hear that we have two nice people running for governor. That’s true. But I am the only candidate in this race who is fundamentally conservative and who is willing and able to stand up to the Obama Administration and the failed policies coming from Washington. I have been fighting for the kind of conservative, common sense policies that lead to job growth and prosperity for years and I know where I stand on the issues voters care about.
Click here to read the rest of the article.
Yard-Sign Building Party in Oklahoma City!
Join other Fallin supporters and volunteers for a yard-sign building party at the Oklahoma City campaign office on Thursday.
The campaign recently received a shipment of more than 13,000 yard signs and they must be put together before we can get them out the door.
Please join us this Thursday (8/19) from 5:30 to 8 p.m. at the Oklahoma City campaign office, 4308 N. Classen Blvd., for the party.
We'll have free hamburgers, hot dogs and soft drinks for you while we work to put together as many signs as possible.
For more information or if you have questions, please call the office at (405) 778-8900.
The campaign recently received a shipment of more than 13,000 yard signs and they must be put together before we can get them out the door.
Please join us this Thursday (8/19) from 5:30 to 8 p.m. at the Oklahoma City campaign office, 4308 N. Classen Blvd., for the party.
We'll have free hamburgers, hot dogs and soft drinks for you while we work to put together as many signs as possible.
For more information or if you have questions, please call the office at (405) 778-8900.
August 16, 2010
Volunteer for the Fallin campaign and you could win tickets to the Hannity Freedom Concert in Tulsa
Fox News Channel host Sean Hannity is bringing his 2010 Freedom Concert to Tulsa this Friday and you could win tickets to the show!
The Fallin for Governor campaign is giving away two tickets to the concert at our Tulsa office. To be eligible for the tickets, show up for our volunteer night on Thursday. We will randomly select one person who volunteers at our office that night to receive the two tickets to the Freedom Concert.
Volunteer nights are held every Thursday from 5:30 to 8 p.m. at the Tulsa campaign office, 2816 E. 51st St. For more information, call (918) 770-9957.
August 12, 2010
Tulsa Beacon: Brogdon endorses Mary Fallin
The Tulsa Beacon this week covered Mary Fallin's recent endorsement from state Sen. Randy Brogdon.
State Senator Randy Brogdon has endorsed U.S. Rep. Mary Fallin, who defeated Brogdon in the July 27 Republican primary for governor.
Fallin faces Lt. Gov. Jari Askins, who narrowly defeated Attorney General Drew Edmondson in the Democrat primary. In the GOP race, Fallin got 54.7 percent compared to 39 percent for Brogdon.
“If you are a committed constitutional conservative, as I am and as my supporters are, it is extremely important to get out and vote for Mary Fallin this November,” said Brogdon.
“Unlike her Democratic opponent, Mary has fought tooth and nail against President Obama’s unconstitutional federal takeover of the health care system. She’s stood up for gun rights and she’s stood by Arizona in their fight to enforce the rule of law and stop the flood of illegal immigration at our borders. Mary is the conservative choice for governor in November, and I am asking those constitutional conservatives who supported my campaign to now support Mary in hers.”Click here to read the rest of the Tulsa Beacon article.
Mary Fallin Interview with The Otter Limits blog
Mary Fallin recently conducted an interview via e-mail with the blog The Otter Limits. Here are a couple of questions:
Click here to read the rest of the interview.
1. Why are you running for Governor of the State of Oklahoma?
I am running for governor to restore principled, conservative leadership to the governor’s office. For too long, we’ve been without a leader whose focus has been on job growth and fiscal discipline. I plan on being that leader. As your next governor, I will create an atmosphere where businesses and the private sector can thrive, more and better jobs are brought into Oklahoma, and our state government operates in a smarter, more modern and more efficient way.
2. Can you briefly tell me why the voters should choose you over Jari Askins?
If you are a conservative voter looking for a conservative candidate, I am your gal. I stood up to President Obama’s big spending, big government agenda. I voted against Obamacare and I was one of the first to encourage our state leaders, including Lieutenant Governor Askins, to join other states in challenging the constitutionality of that law. I support tough, smart policies to combat illegal immigration, similar to what we’ve seen in Arizona. And I am pro-gun and pro-Constitution, with an “A” rating from the NRA.
Compare that record to that of my opponent. She says she still hasn’t read the health care bill and doesn’t have any opinion either way on Obamacare. She opposes Arizona’s immigration law. And she was one of only 5 state representatives to vote against a law allowing law abiding, permitted gun owners to carry concealed weapons.
I think it’s clear that I am the conservative candidate in this race and that my views are the views of the average Oklahoman. My opponent, on the other hand, leans far to the left and her politics have more in common with President Obama’s than with the working men and women of our state.
Click here to read the rest of the interview.
From the Blogosphere: 2nd Amendment in Oklahoma Governor's Race
The blog, Voices from the Heartland, weighs in on the Oklahoma gubernatorial race and the Second Amendment.
Click here to read the blog post.
As many voters around the Country understand, Oklahoma is a very pro-2nd amendment state.
As an example in 2004, we had a Democrat Congressman Carson who ran against Dr. Coburn for the Senate seat. We learned he was bringing out his old pick-up truck the gun rack in the back window as a prop to show how pro-2nd amendment he was during campaigns. Campaigning was the only time the truck appeared at the Tulsa airport and around the area. Shows how important it is to support the 2nd amendment here in Oklahoma even by Democrats.
With that in mind, imagine the shock to learn this morning that Jari Askins, the Democrat nominee for Governor, is against concealed carry and believes we need to "change our values?"
Click here to read the blog post.
August 11, 2010
Mary Fallin: Why I Said "No" to More Bailouts
Dear Friends,
Yesterday, House Speaker Pelosi called an emergency vote on a $26 billion plan to "bailout" state budgets. I cancelled several campaign events so I could return and cast a resounding "NO" vote.
I opposed this plan, like I opposed similar wasteful spending measures, for one simple reason: we cannot keep printing and borrowing money and calling it "stimulus." Whether it's the stimulus spending bill or Obamacare, the big-government, big-spending agenda pursued by Washington has not created jobs or helped middle-class, working Americans. What it has done instead is bury our children and grandchildren under a mountain of debt.
Now, the liberals in Washington and our opponents in Oklahoma are trying to say I don't support education or teachers because of my opposition to this bailout. That's just not true. What I don't support is a $26 billion plan to bailout states like California, which have spent themselves into deep trouble. And I certainly don't support the $9.8 billion in job-killing tax increases that were also added to this legislation. That's the old recipe for disaster that Washington Democrats are intent on pursuing even during a recession: tax and spend, and more tax and spend.
The bottom line is that we shouldn't be asked to bailout other states that have acted irresponsibly. What we should be doing is focusing on creating more and better jobs, supporting our small businesses and getting more businesses to locate in Oklahoma. When we do that we'll create more opportunities for working Oklahomans and we'll also generate the revenue stream we need to adequately fund state agencies. That's how, as governor, I'll work to support our teachers and our health care providers the right way, without wasteful government bailouts or Washington interference.
I'll also lead the way in making government more efficient and more effective, so we don't need taxpayer-funded bailouts to provide essential services. And, of course, I'll continue to stand up to Washington and make sure the agenda we pursue is one that creates jobs and prosperity, not one that designed to support the political elite.
The best way for Oklahoma to fight big-government spending policies like the one I voted against yesterday is to restore conservative leadership and fiscal responsibility to the governor's office. That's exactly what I plan to do, and why I hope I'll have your vote in November.
God bless,
Mary Fallin
Yesterday, House Speaker Pelosi called an emergency vote on a $26 billion plan to "bailout" state budgets. I cancelled several campaign events so I could return and cast a resounding "NO" vote.
I opposed this plan, like I opposed similar wasteful spending measures, for one simple reason: we cannot keep printing and borrowing money and calling it "stimulus." Whether it's the stimulus spending bill or Obamacare, the big-government, big-spending agenda pursued by Washington has not created jobs or helped middle-class, working Americans. What it has done instead is bury our children and grandchildren under a mountain of debt.
Now, the liberals in Washington and our opponents in Oklahoma are trying to say I don't support education or teachers because of my opposition to this bailout. That's just not true. What I don't support is a $26 billion plan to bailout states like California, which have spent themselves into deep trouble. And I certainly don't support the $9.8 billion in job-killing tax increases that were also added to this legislation. That's the old recipe for disaster that Washington Democrats are intent on pursuing even during a recession: tax and spend, and more tax and spend.
The bottom line is that we shouldn't be asked to bailout other states that have acted irresponsibly. What we should be doing is focusing on creating more and better jobs, supporting our small businesses and getting more businesses to locate in Oklahoma. When we do that we'll create more opportunities for working Oklahomans and we'll also generate the revenue stream we need to adequately fund state agencies. That's how, as governor, I'll work to support our teachers and our health care providers the right way, without wasteful government bailouts or Washington interference.
I'll also lead the way in making government more efficient and more effective, so we don't need taxpayer-funded bailouts to provide essential services. And, of course, I'll continue to stand up to Washington and make sure the agenda we pursue is one that creates jobs and prosperity, not one that designed to support the political elite.
The best way for Oklahoma to fight big-government spending policies like the one I voted against yesterday is to restore conservative leadership and fiscal responsibility to the governor's office. That's exactly what I plan to do, and why I hope I'll have your vote in November.
God bless,
Mary Fallin
August 10, 2010
McAlester News-Capital: Fallin: Jobs is Job 1
If Oklahomans can only create more jobs, Republican gubernatorial candidate Mary Fallin says that many of the state’s other problems will take care of themselves.
Funding for areas such as education, law enforcement and corrections will increase if more Oklahomans are able to find jobs, Fallin said.
One way Fallin says she would help in that area is by trying to reduce the amount of red tape and regulations faced by businesses in Oklahoma, especially small business operators.
Fallin spent part of her afternoon in McAlester on Saturday, where she addressed the Oklahoma Federation of Republican Women, who met at The Meeting Place.
Click here to read the rest of the story in the McAlester News-Capital.
If Oklahomans can only create more jobs, Republican gubernatorial candidate Mary Fallin says that many of the state’s other problems will take care of themselves.

One way Fallin says she would help in that area is by trying to reduce the amount of red tape and regulations faced by businesses in Oklahoma, especially small business operators.
Fallin spent part of her afternoon in McAlester on Saturday, where she addressed the Oklahoma Federation of Republican Women, who met at The Meeting Place.
Click here to read the rest of the story in the McAlester News-Capital.
August 9, 2010
Read the Latest Campaign Update from Mary Fallin
Click here to read the latest update e-mail from the Fallin for Governor campaign. In the update, you can read about Senator Randy Brogdon's endorsement of Mary Fallin's campaign, about the latest gubernatorial poll results and more.
To sign up for updates from the Fallin for Governor campaign, click here.
To sign up for updates from the Fallin for Governor campaign, click here.
Mary Fallin,
Oklahoma governor
Tulsa World: "Fallin says her family life shows her political strength"
OKLAHOMA CITY (Tulsa World) — During her first campaign for elected office in 1990, Mary Fallin fought morning sickness while caring for her 3-year-old daughter and working full time.
The Republican nominee for governor remembers the physical and mental toll it took:
"At the primary, I was eight months pregnant and 40 pounds heavier. It wasn't an easy campaign. One week after my son was born, I was knocking on doors campaigning for the general election.
"There are times when people wonder if Mary Fallin is tough enough to be in Congress or can handle the hard rigors of politics. I say, 'You have a baby between the primary and general election, then tell me how tough I am.' "
Click here to read the rest of the story from the Tulsa World.

"At the primary, I was eight months pregnant and 40 pounds heavier. It wasn't an easy campaign. One week after my son was born, I was knocking on doors campaigning for the general election.
"There are times when people wonder if Mary Fallin is tough enough to be in Congress or can handle the hard rigors of politics. I say, 'You have a baby between the primary and general election, then tell me how tough I am.' "
Click here to read the rest of the story from the Tulsa World.
Mary Fallin,
Oklahoma governor
August 5, 2010
Mary Fallin Opposes Pelosi's Latest 'Bail Out' Vote
Mary Fallin's statement on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's latest bail-out vote:
"It is clear to me that, unfortunately, Speaker Pelosi has the votes she needs to easily pass yet another bailout bill next week. I am opposed to such a plan for the same reason I have opposed other big spending measures supported by congressional liberals: we cannot keep printing and borrowing money and calling it 'stimulus.' I think most Oklahomans understand that we aren't saving or creating jobs when we do this, we are burying our children under a mountain of debt.
"Sadly, the fact of the matter is that the liberal leadership in the House has the votes to ram this measure down our throats regardless of my opposition and the opposition of other conservatives in Congress. With that in mind, I believe the best way I can fight these kind of big spending policies is to ensure that Oklahoma's next governor will stand up to Washington and commit themselves to fiscal discipline. That's why I am staying here in Oklahoma next week and continuing to talk to voters about my campaign and my mission: to restore principled, conservative leadership to the governor's office."
"It is clear to me that, unfortunately, Speaker Pelosi has the votes she needs to easily pass yet another bailout bill next week. I am opposed to such a plan for the same reason I have opposed other big spending measures supported by congressional liberals: we cannot keep printing and borrowing money and calling it 'stimulus.' I think most Oklahomans understand that we aren't saving or creating jobs when we do this, we are burying our children under a mountain of debt.
"Sadly, the fact of the matter is that the liberal leadership in the House has the votes to ram this measure down our throats regardless of my opposition and the opposition of other conservatives in Congress. With that in mind, I believe the best way I can fight these kind of big spending policies is to ensure that Oklahoma's next governor will stand up to Washington and commit themselves to fiscal discipline. That's why I am staying here in Oklahoma next week and continuing to talk to voters about my campaign and my mission: to restore principled, conservative leadership to the governor's office."
Mary Fallin,
Nancy Pelosi,
No to Bailouts
August 4, 2010
August 3, 2010
Fallin Hails Boeing Move to Oklahoma, Says Reforms Needed to Keep Momentum
Republican gubernatorial candidate Mary Fallin praised Boeing officials for their recent decision to move 550 California engineering jobs to Oklahoma, but she also cautioned that without further reforms to the state’s workers’ compensation and tort systems, future jobs could go elsewhere.
“The good news is we won this round, but the less good news is that we are still competing with other states for future jobs.”
Fallin said the Boeing move mirrors decisions by other employers to flee California’s high taxes and excessive regulation. Oklahoma, she said, is more attractive because of reforms we have enacted in workers’ comp and our lawsuit system, but those reforms must continue if we are to successfully compete for future jobs.
“As governor, my first priority will be to make Oklahoma the most attractive state in the nation to employers seeking a haven from high taxes and the heavy hand of government,” Fallin said.
Fallin said other states like New York and Maryland, where liberal governors and state legislatures have reacted to the recession by raising taxes, are also losing population and jobs.
“That’s an opportunity for Oklahoma, but only if we have a governor and a legislature working together to enact those reforms that make us more attractive,” she said. “I will be that governor.”
August 2, 2010
Win Tickets to See Gov. Jeb Bush in OKC!

Gov. Bush, who implemented educational reforms in his state that are recognized nationally as having transformed Florida schools, gave his endorsement to Mary earlier in the campaign.
About Mary, Gov. Bush said, “I know Mary is prepared to reform Oklahoma’s schools and work for more rigor and accountability in the classrooms. I’m happy to offer her my support in her race for governor, and I am confident she is the leader that Oklahoma needs.”
Next week, he’ll be visiting our state to campaign with Mary and you can win two tickets to a VIP reception in Oklahoma City with Gov. Bush and Mary Fallin!
To be eligible for the tickets, all you have to do is text the word GOMARY to the number 68683. In addition to entering the giveaway, you’ll be entered into the Fallin mobile club team. The mobile club team receives important campaign news and announcements via mobile phone.
Standard text message rates apply. Only one entry per mobile number will be allowed. Offer open to new subscribers to the Fallin mobile team.
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